Dementia Diagnoses Will Grow Exponentially For a Few Decades

This study was published in Nature Medicine in the beginning of this week In a few decades Millenials will be in their 70s and the youngest baby boomers will be in their 90s. The study showed that the majority of dementia showed after age 70 and much older. The study estimates that by 2060, the number of U.S. dementia cases will reach 1 million and amongst black people the rate will triple. This is going to cause a family burder because of the number of older people.

Today over 1 million people 65 and older have dementia. Researchers want to slow the onset of dementia and I understand why. It is a societal and family burden. and costs a lot of money. In 2020, black people had 60,000 cases of dementia, and by 2060 it could grow to 180,000 cases. And in the study, black people received a dementia diagnosis at younger ages.

If you have diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or other vascular issues, your risk of dementia increases. Alzheimer's Disease is the most common type of dementia.

The study used data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities, called ARIC, and followed these people from 1987-2000. To reduce your chances of getting dementia, reduce your weight, eat healthy, workout, reduce stress, sleep deeply for at least 7 hours a night. All these issues can help.

If you have a health care issue, and would like to get rid of a chronic disease, or pain, please contact Health Advocate Experts at

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