New Data Show Men Don't Go To Doctors

In 2022, the Cleveland Clinic survey asked 1,000 American men how often they got a regular health screening by seeing a doctor. The survey results found 55% of men do not see a doctor regularly, and 65% didn't go annually. Men just don't think they need checkups and believe they are healthier than most people.

Women, however, get prompted yearly to see a gynecologist and get a mammogram. Women also take advantage of the preventative health benefits in their policies more than men do.

Some men don't see a doctor because they fear what they might find, and also, they tie their bravery and self-sufficiency to their resistance. When they see a doctor it is usually when their symptoms are so bad that they need to be rushed to surgery.

It has been suggested that men start with a telehealth on-line visit and see if they like the doctor. If they do, they can then do an in person visit and bring a loved one with them, or a health advocate who can ask important questions.

In this way, going to appointments gets easier. If you don't like the doctor, a health advocate can find you someone new.

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