We just hear the word "Alzheimer's Disease", and we cringe. But, what I want to share today is that it may be possible to understand the early warning signs of this disease, and reverse course.
1. Worry of any kind that you constantly engage in. Scientists have found that "worriers" have plaques in their brains, which can cause dementia.
2. Trouble speaking and forgetting words. We all at times forget a word, which will come back to us at some point. But, if this phenomenon occurs constantly, you may have aphasia, an early sign of Alzheimer's.
3. Lack of interest in hobbies. If you used to play an instrument, and suddenly lost interest, this would be concerning. This is because, knitting and musical instruments require memory which is important to use throughout life.
4. Loss of interest in managing your finances. This too requires memory, so if you give this up, or can't remember when bills are due, you could be facing dementia.
5. Forgetting where you are, or are going. Scientists are not speaking about having a bad sense of direction, but rather, forgetting where you are or, how to get somewhere you have gone daily. This may be concerning.
6. Fragmented thoughts. Very concerning would be not remembering a recent conversation, or major events that took place, like a wedding. If this occurs, it is time to see your doctor.
7. Lack of interest in social events. When you used to love to speak to everyone, and now do not even want to meet up with friends and chat, this would be worrisome.
8. No longer able to plan. This includes, the inability of planning a birthday dinner, or a plane ride to visit family, might be a sign of Alzheimer's Disease. It's the lack of interest in, and the struggle with decision-making.
If you find a loved one cannot do one or two of these activities anymore, please see your doctor. While pharmaceutical companies are engaged in multiple studies to see what medicine will help, other alternative doctors have seen promise with at least several natural substances. It is also helpful to cut out sugar. and reduce the level of inflammation in your body with vitamins, such as, curcumin and possibly fish oil.
These suggestions may not work for everyone, but if they worked for some people, that is wonderful.
Please don't hesitate to contact Health Advocate Experts
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